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Letter to Prime Minster

Dear Prime Minister,  Jacques Chirac

Bonjour, it is a pleasure to write to you , Jacques Chirac. 

I hope all is well with you.

My name is Estherose and I am writing to you as a protester of Mururoa. I am asking you a question that you don’t find offensive or disrespectful. I have been hearing on the broadcast that your country, France, has been releasing extremely dangerous bombs on the Island of Mururoa and the Pacific Island.

The situation of bombing in the area of Mururoa and Pacific Island has hugely affected the environment, our people and creatures of the water and land. 

On behalf of the environment and  myself I ask you to please stop. You are destroying our beautiful islands that export France to different types of meats and wines. Our people; especially our children and elders, are highly affected from radiation that nuclear bombs emit. Please know you are setting a big example for all children, and especially your country.

I hope you make the right decision for our people, and yours too

From yours sincerely 


Math ( Protractor)

In mathematics we have been learning about how to measure angles by using protractors.  A protractor is a ruler curved and displayed as a half circle.  Mrs George, our teacher,  had put our class into four groups, she laid out masking tape to the tables in all kinds of different angles.  Our job was to measure the angles to find how many degrees the angles were by using the protractors. This lesson in maths was a huge step for me because it will help me in the future with measuring angles.


How can I be an Advocate Kai Korero like Jesus?

I can be an Advocate like Jesus by advising people when they are troubled through rough times. Donate to charity for people in desperately need of  help. Lend hands to people who are unable to do ordinary things like other people. A role of an advocate is a big responsibility who is willing to share the love of God and spread kindness, care, generosity and hope. These key qualities show good characteristics and see what kind of person you are.



I hurry quickly to my position waiting for my friends to rush, the commander ordering everyone to put hands on the deck facing the starboard. Commander ordered everyone to position and prepare themselves for this bomb to burst. 5 minutes to burst, yells the commander roughly.

I gear up in overalls with my goggles locked in ready. Countdown has started, 60 seconds to burst, everyone putting themselves to a tightly secured position, hands covered over face, 26, 25, 24 , breathing heavily into my space, teeth shattering loudly, 4, 3, 2, 1. BOMB GONE! Heat burning up inside my body, for the heat is so strong I see a vision of my skeleton looking back at me.

Commander calling falls out to everyone, open eyes and goggles off, 15 seconds wait , face and turn to  blast. A mushroom cloud expanding widely in the sky with colours blasting all over the place. The bomb has now detonated.


Blake NZ

On May the 23rd,  we had a special visitor who is a marine biologist who is currently working from a company called Blake NZ. Thomas, our visitor, introduced us to what he does for an occupation. For our activity Thomas brought virtue reality goggles for us to experience what it is like to be exploring in the wide ocean. A virtual reality goggle is a device that is used to vision images that are life-like. 

 Before we got going he talked about a person named Peter Blake who loved sea creatures and the ocean very much. Peter Blake won the American Cup four times by going around the whole world but sadly he got shot by threatening pirates on amazon. 

Thomas instructed us on how to use the VR goggles and how we should be responsible with it. We then put on the goggles and first saw swimming fish diving through each other. As we looked around the 360 degree view in the goggles, Thomas talked us through where these videos took place and what kind of fish they are.  We saw sea lions in their habitat playing with joy, different types of dolphins with their pods and penguins chatting to each other. We saw many beautiful  sea creatures being discovered and discussed. 

 My favorite fact of all was learning about how humpback whales can sing and can pick off singing from other whales by forming a song together. If there was a way that we can find solutions to help the ocean be a clean environment we should make more marine reserves, influence other people to STOP polluting  the ocean.


Letter Of Advice

From Estherose

Dear T

Thank you for visiting your aunt June on the weekends. I had a wonderful time with you!

We played many playful games especially basketball. Your quite a handful aren’t you, dear. While you were playing I noticed something odd. You T, have many soaring bruises all over your body.

Are you alright dear, anything happened with mum and dad. If so, I would like to give you some advice that you would need. I know my brother of mine can be rough and tough at times.

Here’s a piece of advice, have a clear and positive mind, release all the anger and sadness out of you, open out to your parents of how you feel about the situation. Make them listen and understand as this situation has happened multiple times and it is affecting you in an unsecured way. If you are still not feeling safe at all , come to your aunt’s June house and express all your feelings to your aunt. As this is a of way expressing widely.

From yours sincerely

Aunt June

Epro 8 playground

On May the 7th, my class and I were informed that we will be doing Epro 8 for a week. Epro 8 is an engineering program for children over 10 years old.  We were given booklets of Epro 8 activities and were put into four different groups by our teacher, Ms George. We as a class had watched an instruction video of what the tools we would be using in this type of project and how we would be designing it.

One of the activities we did was a playground. Making this playground we had to make objects that we would normally see in the actual playground. We made swings, a hut, merry go round, flying fox and last a sea saw. Making these things we used blue joiners, red joiners, reel, axles, wheels and string. Using these tools helped us a lot as we used creative minds during the working process. We started slow in the beginning and as we kept working we started to build our way up as we went with the flow. As the ideas started to flow in  we had many ideas popping out.

When we finished the playground our teacher, Ms George, was going to view our work of what we have done so far. Each group had played a part in this activity making as it was a time to use commutation skills and make it a fun learning process. We each had done similar things from other groups but in the end we did great with a lot of effort put in.  I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to the Epro 8 company for providing us with fun engineering activities to do.



God’s Work of creating, redeeming and sanctifying

For Religious Education, our class learnt about Creating, Redeeming and Sanctifying means. We created images that related to these words. I have drawn mountains that represent creating. The cross represents redeeming, and lastly,  a Bible that represents sanctifying.

An Image Representing the Holy Trinity

On Monday the 27th, Ms George, our teacher, said we will be creating our own image of the Trinity. We had to use our creative thinking of how we could design our own version, and how we see the Trinity at our point of view. I have created a flower representing the Trinity. Each text box shows the meaning of each component.